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SpedSim - Logistiksimulator

  • Hi,

    I created a realistic logistics simulator - SpedSim.


    SpedSim is a browser game in which you can become the freight forwarder / CEO of your logistics company.

    With its complex and detailed management systems, you can run your company as if it were the real thing!

    About the game:

    -real map of European countries with all cities and roads included

    - You can simulate FTL (Full Truck Load) and Grouppage operations using vans, solo trucks and semi-trailer trucks

    - 6 car bodies are available: flatbed, container, refrigerator, auto hauler, food tank, chemical tank - more in the future

    - movement of trucks is calculated every minute, driving time is realistic and depends on several factors such as type of truck, type of road, speed limit, driver's abilities and the load.

    -revenue is based on real-life tariffs

    - Shipments are generated on the entire playable map taking city size and population into account.

    -Goods are stored on unstackable pallets so LDM (loading meter) is the main factor of capacity calculation. Different types of cargo use alternative capacity units eg fluids - liters

    - searchable tender marketplace where you can use post code filters or easily display shipments on the map

    - detailed vehicle maintenance management

    -realistic drivers' qualifications

    - dangerous goods

    and much more


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